Thursday, July 7, 2011


Time goes way too fast when you have is nearly over for session one! After a great night yesterday of "untalent" and "talent" at our Untalent Show, and some great dancing at the dance, some of the ladies went to the top field and did "solo" sleeping under the stars. Mother Nature working her magic I think. Today was the time, yes that time when our campers strive for excellence, play fair and have an super amazing time at the Kupugani olympics........GaGa, Slip n slide relay, Mud tug o war and Canoe sink are the activities, and every one of the four teams competing are really going for's so fun to watch. Enjoy a few pics from the untalent show and dance, and make sure you clear the house up from that two-week long party you been having as your special and super empowered ladies are returning in 2 days!

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