Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week one ends in style!!

The hot sunny days are awesome and they keep on coming :) The camp wide soccer game we had was awesome, with some shining performances from both counselors and campers, and a final score of 2-1 to the counselors capped an awesome game. One of the most notable performances was from Kupugani director-in-training 5 year-old Mico who saved several late efforts to deny a late tie or victory for the campers. This was swiftly followed by a refreshing water break, La Tienda time, and then a camp pool party to cool off :) Well home cooked curry for dinner for first- and second-year campers, while 3rd-years and up enjoy a visit to Cimino's Restaurant! Almost the end of a fantastic first week of camp! Extra extra read all about it Kupugani's got soul there's no doubt about it!