Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another great day in the books!

Hola! Bonjour! Ciao! Hallo! Just saying hello in a few of the different languages we have had here at Kupugani :) Well today has been awesome-- amazing weather and the camp family has been shining just as hot as the sun!! A productive morning learning about conflict resolution using "I statements" went super well--skills they can bring home for when they get frustrated because they are not at camp any more ;) Shrinky dinks at arts and crafts, mud volleyball gathered more followers, and then the kitchen staff made an awesome dinner of Salisbury steak with 'grrrrrrrrrrl power' cake which was absolutely incredible mmmm mmmm mmmm. Well, it's bed time for not just the campers but me as well, night folks speak to you all tomorrow. Hey Ho, Kupugani's got soul! G'night! xxx

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