Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring in the air, and empowerment on the way!

Now that the grass is greening, the birds are returning, and the smells of spring are in the air, it gets more and more exciting to prepare for camp. It's really magic contemplating what will happen this summer. What child will experience the first-time joy of doing something she didn't think she otherwise could do...from the “I can't” to the “I did!”. And carrying that over to her life—whether it's 5 days, 5 months, or 5 years forward, when another “impossible” task arises, and she has the confidence to attack it, knowing that she's already accomplished the “impossible” before at camp. So, this year, whether it's dam jumping, rock climbing, celebrating her identity, meeting a friend from a background that she would never have interacted with if not for camp...I can't wait!

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