Saturday, June 30, 2012

Scintillating Saturday

Another amazing day at camp, filled with some awesome activities! Morning teams included lifts and lap sits, as well as talking about being PHENOMENAL WOMEN. We had great fun with camptivities, starting out with the annual camper-staff soccer game...resulting in an epic last-minute comeback by the campers to tie the game. The tour of the old schoolhouse this morning was also a success. After an evening of Game-boree, we ended the night with a campfire that focused on empathy :) Another great day spent with empowered young ladies!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fantastic Friday

Blue skies and a fresh breeze, after some welcomed cooling rain today. After waking up to this morning, we loved the breakfast including sausages and French Toast and juice. Energized for the day, the campers moved on to their team activities on a day focusing on positive self-image (and no mirrors!). The LITs visited some seniors at a local senior center with the seniors enjoying the girls' conversations and songs! This afternoon had camptivities including pool, crate stacking, aerobics, mud volleyball, and shrinky dinks in arts and crafts! Another great day!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic...I'm alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic! Goooood morning folks! The weekend is nearly upon us, as is the heat we have been expecting and looking forward to as a reason to do even more water activities! Adrienne's currently on a secret mission to cover the mirrors at camp so the ladies can feel empowered and recognize that inner beauty is of critical importance. Here's a clip of the positive team building they've been doing already!

Hot fun in the sun at camp!

Announcement time...announcement time...listen to Kupugani, it's announcement time!!! It's Thursday already? Wow, camp is going so fast! Early bird nature walk was lovely and peaceful, and there is already talk about who is going where for activities this afternoon...looks like water activities will be popular today as the temperature keeps on rising! Well, team time has started, so I'm off to enjoy the girls empowering themselves in the morning with stand-ups and leans!! Yaaaaaay camp!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another great day in the books!

Hello hello! Another awesome day at camp--amazing weather, with the girls shining like the hot sun!! A productive morning was spent learning about conflict resolution; the girls used great "I statements". Pool time, crate stacking, fishing, tie-dye, and challenge hike comprised the fun afternoon activities,
and then Natasha made a great dinner of mac and cheese, rice, barbecue chicken sandwiches, and cornbread...yum! Well, the campers have been sleeping for a while, and it's getting time for me as well, night folks speak to you all tomorrow. Hey Ho, Kupugani's got soul! G'night! xxx

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teams, camptivities, and great evening activities make our day!!

A great first full "regular" day at camp...river walking and floating, fire building, rock climbing, archery and pool time! Camp Kupugani...these days just get better and better, no wonder we all love camp! And, after Natasha's tasty lasagna dinner, we all continued our bonding with Diversity Bingo and cabin time
. Time for bed! J Catch you all tomorrow xxx

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kupugani 2012 Has Begun!

Yee hah!!! Camp Kupugani 2012 is here! The campers arrived yesterday, having a nice potluck with families, before hoisting the Camp Kupugani flag to fly high. Later that evening, we had a beautiful opening campfire. Today, the girls enjoyed their first full day in their summer homes :) A busy schedule...Today, there were swim evals, camp tours, and morning and evening group activities. Natasha's homemade baked chicken for dinner; WOO HOO! Camp is back and better than ever!