Sunday, July 28, 2013

Friday, July 20, 2012

Final Friday!

"There is no time left for anything but to make peace work a dimension of our every waking activity." -Elise Boulding
We spent two weeks focusing on modules such as positive body image and social awareness, and now it's time to take our knowledge out into the world!  With each other's support and love, we have learned to communicate and trust each other. With tomorrow's departure from camp, we will go into the world as empowered women and as world changers.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Olympics Day!

After a well-deserved sleep and energizing breakfast, our campers headed out to use teamwork skills like communication and trust to overcome obstacles! Later we all participated in mud tug-o-war, potato sack races, and dam jumping in honor of today being Olympics Day! We finished the day off with a whole camp game of sharks and minnows!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Backwards Wednesday!

Started backwards day with the goodnight song and ended it with a delicious breakfast. Today returning campers led a ceremony to welcome the rest of the girls into the camp community! The ceremony included thoughtful poems, gifts, and a wonderful song.  Its great to see how good of friends the campers have become with each other, and how much they genuinely care about each other. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Terrific Tuesday!

Another great day at camp! Started the morning with "relax & swim" earlybird and during team time, we wrapped up our body image module. The afternoon meant crate stacking, archery, pool, and chill time...we canoed and Zumba-d too. After Natasha's delicious homemade lasagna (so good), we had a thought-provoking discussion about body image and wrapped up a busy day with all-camp volleyball tourney, Smores campfire, night hikes and sleeping under the stars!  Woo hoo! Another empowering day!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Magnificent Monday!

As we get farther into the second week of this session, the girls have begun to really value and trust each other.  Tonight was the untalent show and dance, where the girls sang, danced, and performed skits for the entire camp.  Performing took courage and preparation, and every single performance was breath-taking!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cabin Quality Day!

After sleeping-in and a cabin picnic, the whole camp participated in dam jumping, mud volleyball, canoeing, and swimming in our very own waterfall!
Later each cabin performed an awesome skit and song for the entire camp!